Five Element Tea - The Metal Element and Tea

September 06, 2019

Five Element Tea - The Metal Element and Tea

Based on traditional Chinese medical theory, two of our major organs, the lungs and large intestine, belong to the Metal elements. The energy of these two organs moves just like Metal. For example, Metal is clean and naturally removes impurities from the soil. The lungs and large intestine work in a similar way by taking clean air into the body, eliminating the waste from the body, and purifying the body.


The Metal element relates to autumn. Autumn is cool, the wind blows hard, and the atmosphere is clear. The weather is “Fall” and Dryness which makes it the season that can weaken our lungs and large intestine. To keep our Qi (氣chi/energy) in balance in autumn, we need to receive specific energy to nourish and strengthen both the lungs and large intestine. If we don’t take good care of our lungs and large intestine in autumn, our Qi will be out of balance. When winter arrives, an insufficient store of energy in the lungs and large intestine will cause diseases in those organs.

 (Metal) -> Autumn

Metal is also related to the important emotion of sadness. When Metal energy is imbalanced, our lungs and large intestine will be threatened by illness, and the emotion of sadness will also spread.

 (Metal) -> Sadness

When the Metal element in our body weakens, we need the support of the Earth element to make it stronger. When Metal organs are balanced, they can also regulate the proper function of Wood element organs. Also, Fire energy controls the balanced flow of energy in Metal organs. But if Metal organs are out of balance, such as having excess energy, it can also weaken the Fire element organs, which could cause diseases of the Fire element organs, Metal element organs, and Wood element organs.

Because the Metal element relates to the autumn season, when autumn is coming, we should take both Earth element teas (like Ancient Artisan Phoenix Fermented Looseleaf Puer Tea) and Fire element teas (Ancient Artisan Yunnan Black Tea or Wild Rock oolong tea) to keep our Metal element organs in balance.

When the emotion of sadness grows too strong, we need to drink some Fire element tea (black tea or roasted oolong tea) to weaken the metal.Fire element teas (Ancient Artisan Yunnan Black Tea or Wild Rock oolong tea) can bring us the energy of happiness, which is the best emotion for controlling sadness. At the same time, we add some Earth element teas (like Ancient Artisan Phoenix Fermented Looseleaf Puer Tea or Yi Tribal Coinsto keep the energy of Metal element organs in balance and prevent Fire from controlling Metal element organs too much. This allows our Metal organs to function properly, and to exert proper control over Wood element organs, too.

Let’s summarize how to choose the right tea for the Metal element organs, the lungs and large intestine, to be in healthy balance:

As we mentioned above, the lungs and large intestine belong to the Metal element. The energy of these two organs moves just like Metal. For example, Metal is clean and naturally removes impurities from the soil. The lungs and large intestine work in a similar way by taking clean air into the body, eliminating waste, and purifying the body. To work with Metal energy, we need to treat water as long flowing water when brewing teas (Check more how at our online tea course - Ancient Chinese Science of Tea Blending and Wellness). Because long flowing water in ancient Chinese medical science is for opening the whole body, flushing out waste, and cleansing the blood, this kind of water perfectly matches the energy of the Metal element organs.

As we discussed already, the Earth element supports the Metal element, so Earth element teas (like Ancient Artisan Phoenix Fermented Looseleaf Puer Tea or Ancient Phoenix Break-Away Bar Fermented Puer Tea are always important for giving energy to Metal element organs. Fermented puer tea (Also called Ripe Puer Tea) is the typical Earth element tea. Its method of processing makes it the type of tea with the most contact with Mother Earth, so it has a stronger Earth energy than any other type of tea.

In autumn, the weather is “Fall” and dryness, which is the season that can weaken our lungs and large intestine. Drinking some Earth element teas to keep the lungs and large intestine strong is very important. 

When these two organs are out of balance, it could be related to the emotion of sadness when you have a cough, constipation, sadness, and other such problems. Happiness is always a great emotion for controlling sadness – the more happiness we have, the less sadness. To help increase the emotion of happiness, take some Fire element teas (Ancient Artisan Yunnan Black Tea or Wild Rock oolong teawhich is a good tea to keep you warm and happy.

You can check out our online course called Ancient Chinese Science & Art of Brewing Tea, which shares with you how to correctly brew those teas in the right method for our organs based on Five Element Tea theory.

Read More About How Five Element Tea Works:

Five Element Tea

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