Sandi and the Wuyi Mountain Farmer's Collective

There is an incredible farmer’s collective deep in the mountains of Wuyi Shan. This is a rare village where the farmers divide the profits equally amongst the group, which is truly “fair trade.” They are like a big family, and their village of fewer than 50 people has a courtyard in its center, which is then surrounded by beautiful mountains. The houses are all clean and in good condition with organic vegetables growing all around. Their Wuyi Oolong is exquisite, and are truly some of the best we have seen come out of Wuyi Mountain in recent years. Furthermore, the Wuyi Mountain Farmer’s Collective also has some very rare, wild teas that they harvest from a local bamboo forest, in addition to other rare, wild, ancient tea tree forests that they have been harvesting for generations. Buy any of the teas below and support the livelihood of this wonderful village.