The Water Element and Tea

September 20, 2020

The Water Element and Tea

Based on traditional Chinese medical theory, two of our major organs, the kidneys and bladder, belong to the Water element. Water moisturizes everything. The kidneys and bladder maintain the energy to moisturize the whole body, working exactly the same way as Water.

Water Element(Water) Water Element Organs

The Water element corresponds with winter and cold. In winter, water freezes and the earth cracks. Based on traditional Chinese medical theory, people should go to bed early at night and get up late in the morning when the sun is shining, physically maintain quiet, keep affairs private and maintain an air of having obtained what one has desired. Focusing on keeping our kidneys and bladder in healthy balance in winter is very important. Any violation will impair the kidneys and bladder, and will reduce the energy available for the following season. This leads to dysfunction, weakness, and coldness of the limbs in spring due to insufficient supply of energy for growth. 

Very often, when the Water element has been negatively affected, people feel as if they aren’t in control of their emotions. They are subject to fear. When a person is afraid or worries about many things, this is also an indication that the Water element is out of balance.
When the Water element in our body weakens, we need to supplement Water with the Metal element (Like Wild Gynostemma). When the Water organs are balanced, it can also regulate the proper functioning of the Fire element (Like Wild Rock Oolong Tea). Additionally, Earth energy controls the balanced flow of energy in the Water organs. If the Water element is out of balance or has excessive energy, it can also weaken the Earth element organs, possibly leading to diseases of the Water element organs, Earth element organs, and Fire element organs.

So, when Winter is coming, we should take both Metal element herbs and Earth element teas to keep our Water organs in balance.

When our emotion of fear grows too strong, we need to drink Earth element teas ( like Ancient Artisan Phoenix Fermented/Ripe Looseleaf Puer Tea) to weaken Wood. Earth element teas help us become more focused rather than ruminate on fears, and can also bring about some positive energy and calmness, which is the best emotion for countering fear. 

At the same time, you also need to supplement with some Metal element herbs ( like Wild Schizandra)  to keep Water element organs in balance, and to prevent the Earth element from gaining excessive control over Water.

As mentioned above, water moisturizes everything. The kidneys and bladder maintain the energy to moisturize the whole body, working exactly the same way as water. These two organs basically store plentiful Water energy to moisturize the body. We also need these two organs to help flush unnecessary water from our bodies.

To help Water element organs stay healthy, we need to use the torrential water method when brewing teas. People of ancient China believed that because torrential water is like a waterfall, and this type of water falls over a big drop at high speeds and in large quantities, it has a “fast-falling” nature. This type of water is the best for healing organs when brewing tea, as it disinhibits Water from the organs.

As mentioned above, the Metal element supports the Water element, so Metal element herbs are always good for giving energy to Water element organs. Wild gynostemma is the typical Metal element herb. It was traditionally used to improve liver function, digestion, arthritis, and insomnia. Modern studies have proven its efficacy in weight management, reducing blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. In traditional Chinese medical theory, these diseases are all more or less related to the energy of the kidneys being imbalanced.

In the Five Elements system, Water relates to winter. In traditional Chinese medical theory, winter is the season for storage. We need to save our Qi (energy), try to keep warm, and avoid sweating too much so as to prevent loss of Water. This is the Taoist principle for cultivating health in winter.

If we lose the Qi (energy) of the kidneys and reduce the energy available for the following season, the result could be dysfunction, weakness, and coldness of the limbs in spring due to insufficient supply of energy for growth.

So, to support sufficient energy and smooth functioning of our Water element organs in winter, taking Metal element herbs like wild schizandra is essential.

In the Five Elements system, the Water element always relates to the emotion of fear. If your Water element energy is imbalanced, it will not only hurt the kidneys and bladder, but will also cause lots of fear, leaving you without the courage to face problems. Focus Energy is the best emotion to counter fear. The more we can focus on doing things, the less fear and worries we have. To help increase focus, take Earth element teas like Ancient Phoenix Break-Away Bar Fermented Puer or Yi Tribal Coins Tube Fermented/Ripe Puer Tea, which is a good fermented (Ripe) Puer teas are for keeping the kidneys and bladder working smoothly in winter and enhancing the focus of your energy

Water Element and Teas

For more informations. Please check

 Metal Element Tea - For Water Element Organs 

• Yin Yang Focused Teas

• Optimal Winter Season Drink to Keep Your Body in Qi Balance

• ITA Certified Online Course - Ancient Chinese Science & Art of Brewing Tea 

• Tea book 5 Element Tea

 Tea Book Tea Poison

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