How to Drink Tea According to the Calendar

February 17, 2018 2 Comments

How to Drink Tea According to the Calendar

It is not enough to just loosely follow the 4 seasons when drinking tea. The ancient Chinese created a calendar to refine the schedule of our tea drinking and other things that are so perfect we are still using it today. The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar which arranges the year, month, and date based on the astronomical date. It is used for traditional activities in China and in overseas Chinese communities. It determines the date for Chinese traditional holidays and instructs Chinese people in selecting the auspicious day of a wedding or funeral, for opening a venture, or relocation. In the Chinese calendar, the days begin at midnight and end at the next one, the months begin on the day with the dark moon and end on the day before the next dark moon, and the years begin on the day with the dark moon near the Vernal Commences. The solar terms are the important components of the Chinese calendar. There are one or two, and occasionally three, solar terms within a month.

The ancient Chinese figured out from the calendar that we not only have four basic seasons, we actually have 24 different seasons in a year, and even now, most farmers still follow the lunar calendar while farming. Also, in Chinese medicine, these 24 seasons have great significance when it comes to maintaining people’s health.

Spring Qi Balance Teas

The first day of spring (Chinese: 立春) is usually February 3rd to 5th. These days are exactly the beginning of spring. The ancient Chinese discovered that at this time, not only the liver, but also the lungs need to get energy to work properly in the New Year. Lungs belong to the Metal element, and only the Earth element can help increase Metal, so in this season, puer tea and yellow tea are good tea choices.

Rain Water (Chinese: 雨水): a lot of rain starts to fall in this season around the 18th to 20th of February. The ancient Chinese discovered that at this time, the lungs (Belong to metal element) which need to get energy to work properly. Lungs belong to the Metal element, so the Metal Element Tea and  Earth element Tea which can help keep the Metal element organs in healthy balance, so in this season, the teas like Ancient Phoenix Balls Fermented Puer Tea, Yi Tribal Coin Ripe Puer Tea or  Wild Gynostemma Herbal Tea, Wild Schizandra Herbal Tea are good choices.

Insects awaken(Chinese: 惊蛰): the spring thunder wakes up lots of hibernating animals and everything starts growing around the 5th  to 7th of March. At this time, the Large Intestine (Belong to metal element) which need to get energy to work properly. Because Large Intestine belong to the Metal element, the Earth element Tea which can help keep the Metal element organs in very healthy balance, so in this season, the teas like Ancient Phoenix Break-Away Bar Fermented Puer Tea is a very good choices.

Vernal Equinox (Chinese: 春分) is the exact date that day and night are equal, and it is around the 20th to 22nd of March. Same as Insects awaken period, the Large Intestine at this time need to pay more attention to take care of, since it belongs to the Metal element, the Earth element Tea is always very good and important choices at this period.

In these 4 small season dates are the same as the first day of spring, in that we also need energy to grow our Metal elements to take care of our lungs and large intestine, which both belong to the Metal element. The best teas for this period are ancient tea tree artisanal puer teas.

Qing Ming (Chinese: 清明): around the 4th to 6th of April is the time when plants will grow a lot and the weather will become consistently sunny. Rain will help crops grow very well.

Grain Rain (Chinese: 谷雨): around the 19th to 21st of April is the period when rain will help grains grow.

In these 2 small season dates, our stomach needs energy too, because the stomach belongs to Earth, and to grow Earth, we need Fire. Ancient Tea Tree Artisanal Yunnan Black Tea or Wild Rock Oolong is the best tea to help create energy for our stomach during this period.

So in spring, we not only need to take care of two major organs, namely the liver and heart, we also need to pay attention to our lungs, large intestine and stomach. Choosing the correct tea for this specific period is very important.

I have made the chart above of the 24 seasons so you can refer to it to find out which organs we need to pay attention to and which teas are good for you at specific times. This will help you understand more how nature is connected to our bodies.

Here is an explanation for each seasons’ meaning in the Chinese lunar calendar:


The first day of summer (Chinese: 立夏) is the day summer starts. 

Grain Full (Chinese: 小滿): at this time, most of the grains are getting big.

In these 2 small season dates, our spleen needs more energy so that can keep it in healthy balance, because the spleen belongs to Earth, and to grow Earth, we need Fire energy. Ancient Tea Tree Artisanal Yunnan Black Tea or Wild Rock Oolong is the best tea to help create energy for our stomach during this period.

Grain Rain (Chinese: 谷雨): this time is when most wheat crops are mature. 

Summer Solstice (Chinese: 夏至): at this time, the hot weather is coming.

Slight Heat (Chinese: 小暑): the weather is getting hotter.

Great Heat (Chinese:  大暑) is the hottest weather of the year.

In these 4 small season dates, the heart and small intestine  (Belong to fire element) which need to get energy to work properly. Because heart belong to the Fire Element, the Wood element Teas which can help keep the Fire element organs in very healthy balance, so in this season, the teas like Ancient Artisan Bi Luo Chun Green Tea or Ancient Artisan Baked Heart are a very good choices.



The first day of autumn (Chinese: 立秋) is the date when autumn starts.

The limit of the heat (Chinese: 处暑): on this day, the high temperatures of summer will stop.

White Dew (Chinese: 白露): from this day onward, the weather is getting cooler.

The Autumnal Equinox (Chinese: 秋分): on this day, day and night are exactly equal.

In these 4 small season dates, the Bladder and Kidneys  (Belong to water element) which need to get energy to work properly. Because Bladder and Kidneys belong to the water Element, the Metal element Teas  and Earth Element Teas which can help keep the water element organs in very healthy balance, so in this 4 small seasons, the herbal teas like Wild Gynostemma, Wild SchizandraAncient Artisan Phoenix Fermented Looseleaf Puer Tea are a very good choices.

Cold Dew (Chinese: 寒露): starting now, the dew is getting cooler, and water turns to ice.

Frost’s Descent (Chinese: 霜降): from this time onward, the weather becomes cold with frost.

In these 2 small season dates, the heart and small intestine  (Belong to fire element) which need to get energy to work properly. Because heart belong to the Fire Element, the Wood element Teas which can help keep the Fire element organs in very healthy balance, so in this season, the teas like Rattan Qi Tea Raw Puer Tea, Mengku Rich Valley Raw Puerh Tea are a very good choices.



The first day of winter (Chinese: 立冬): winter starts.

Lesser Snow (Chinese: 小雪): at this time, it starts to snow.

Great Snow (Chinese: 大雪): heavy snow will begin at this time.

The Winter Solstice (Chinese: 冬至): the cold winter is coming.

Lesser Cold (Chinese: 小寒): the weather starts to get freezing.

Great Cold (Chinese: 大寒): the coldest weather of the year.

In these 4 small season dates, we need energy to grow our wood elements organs to take care of our Triple burner, Gallbladder and liver, which are all belong to the Wood element. The Water element Teas which can help keep the wood element organs in very healthy balance, so in this season, the teas like Wild Artisan Moonlight White Tea, Ancient Artisan Moonlight White Tea are a very good choices.

* Please note that what we are exploring here is simply how to choose the right tea to keep our body healthy at the time of the year in the 24 solar terms. But in reaching the time cycle, that is, the time cycle of 4 seasons in a year, there is a difference between the law of the operation of our five organs and the law of those teas corresponding to which five elements, that is to say, while knowing how to choose teas for the 4 big seasons, pay attention to the small point of time of the 24 solar terms, and choose and adjust the corresponding tea, you can achieve a more ideal health balance for your body.

So after clarifying how the weather connects with the body, we can see that in spring and summer, everything is "growing", and in autumn and winter, everything is "hiding". Growing and hiding are the basis of life – only when growing alternates with hiding can the universe continue developing. There is an important thing missing though, and without this thing, growing and hiding cannot alternate. This thing is the key to keeping everything flowing. The Chinese call it “Chi / Qi” (Chinese: 氣/气). What is Qi? If you can’t understand this word’s meaning, you will have trouble understanding how your health fits into the rest of the universe. This will be discussed more in the next chapter.

Having talked about the 4 seasons, now I should let you know which time of day you should or shouldn’t drink tea. Time is the law of the universe. Without time the universe is empty, and we have nothing. Only by following time are we able to do exactly as we should and develop in accord with the unfolding of the universe. In ancient Chinese medicine, we consider the time to be the key to medicine. Only by acting in accordance with time can you be healthy.

If you would interest in to learn more specific about how to choose right tea in right season, please check how to choose right tea to drink in different seasons and how to brewing and drinking on right time, you can check out my tea book 5 Element Tea and our online tea course Ancient Chinese Science & Art of Brewing Tea.

-The Wild Truth of Tea

Shana Zhang

For more informations. Please check

• What are the Five Elements?
• Optimal 4 Seasons Tea Drink to Keep Your Body in Qi Balance
• Why We Don't Make Blended Puer Tea?
• Covid 19 Lockdowns: A Perfect Time Drinking Tea Alone at Home
• Tea & Ancient Chinese Culture - Part One

@ All copy right reserved by Wild Tea Qi International Tea Academy


2 Responses

Wild Tea Qi
Wild Tea Qi

October 15, 2018

Thank you so much, Ayah! We’re grateful to have people who appreciate our life’s work, what we love to share, our passion and knowledge of tea. Your value and appreciation are what motivates us to share more knowledge and protect more true tea artisans and mother earth, to find the best quality tea for our beautiful clients like you.
Love for you
Wild Tea Qi Team


October 15, 2018

My dearest Wild Tea Qi team… I am sorry it has taken me so long to send this email to you. I just wanted to say that I am so glad that you exist in this world. I have taken all three of your courses, they were excellent, and I have ordered your tea. Everything is beautiful that you do. When I received my order of tea I was so impressed with your packaging, it"s an excellent design and to include the information was a great benefit. The tea is top quality and all of them taste wonderful and satisfying. I hope you continued success, I can’t wait to receive my next order, and I await your next course.
Most Sincerely,
Ayah, Seeking knowledge and sipping tea.

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